
We've all had those twice baked potatoes loaded with salt, sour cream and bacon bits - those foods that make your cells cry out, "What are you doing to us?" Instead, go with sweet potatoes that are loaded with beta-carotene and a host of helpful vitamins and nutrients.  Studies show that sweet potatoes can raise our blood levels of vitamin A. Steaming sweets results in better blood sugar effects. They also boost immune function. 

This is another great holiday recipe from Chef AJ. Check her out on Facebook!


4-5 medium sweet potatoes
1/2 cup cranberry relish (you can use othe relishes of your choosing - pear relish or mango chutney)
1/2 cup dried unsweetened cranberries
1/2 cup pecans, chopped (optional)

Bake sweet potatoes at 400 until tender. Cool slightly and then cut in half, and scoop out the pulp from each potato. Leave about a 1/4 inch border so potato can easily be filled. Mash the sweet potatoes and add the relish and dried berries. Mix well to combine. Scoop mixture into each shell. Sprinkle with chopped pecans. Bake for 30 minutes at 350.