
This recipe is adapted from two different Vegan French Toast Casserole recipes. Class participants rated it as delicious.

Custard ingredients: (adapted from:

Topping (from:

In a high speed blender (like a Vita Mixer) add the coconut milk, sugar, silken tofu, cornstarch, cinnamon, vanilla, turmeric, a salt, and vegan butter and blend until very smooth.

Cut the sourdough bread into one inch cubes and place in an ovenproof baking dish. (I used 9 x 13 baking dish.)

Pour the blended custard over the bread cubes, and be sure to coat each bread cube.

(DO NOT add topping until just ready to bake.)

At this point you can either refrigerate casserole overnight and put topping on in a.m. before baking. Or you can let the custard sit on bread for 30 minutes before adding topping and then bake right away.

When ready to add the topping, place ingredients in small bowl and mix well.

Preheat oven to 350. Place topping across bread in baking pan and bake for 35 - 40 minutes until the bread cubes are golden brown and cooked.

Serve with either maple syrup or a fruit compote.


This is nice to serve with company or an afternoon brunch. So good!!